Harvesting Remedies of the Wild

We set out into the wild in search of the most potent natural remedies on earth, and what we found was astounding. Here, despite the most severe growing conditions, the answers we seek are thriving. If struggle is nature’s way of strengthening us, then it’s here where the strong are born, and here that our journey begins. 

From the harshest conditions, we grow and cultivate the most effective botanicals for your health and wellness. Remedies that don’t just relieve symptoms, but also ease the spirit. The kind of thing you feel good about having in your medicine cabinet. 

Sourcing responsibly, employing locally, and doing all we can to do no harm. From the soil to your soul, we are RÜT Wellness.

Ethically-sourced for better health and wellness.

Seeking Goodness Straight from Mother Nature
Our perpetual quest to find goodness isn’t limited to our products alone. We look for the good in all things. Living a life full of optimism is the only way we can truly live happy and healthy lives.

We always take the necessary steps to do things the right way. We never cut corners or compromise our integrity to save money. We ethically source, harvest and produce all our products with purpose and intention. 

We didn’t inherit this land from our ancestors, we’re protecting it for the next generation. Our environment is an essential part of our physical and mental well-being. We’re committed to standing as stewards over these wild places the earth has given us. 

Part of our proceeds are dedicated to helping various at-risk local families through a thoughtful selection process

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